KOHRAC: Authority


The authority for this accreditation program is issued by King Edmund K. Paki-Silva Jr., Ali`i Nui Mō`ī, Sovereign King of The Kingdom of Hawai`i. The Kingdom of Hawai`i is an independent, self-regulated and self-governing country which exists within and claims the area of the Hawaiian Archipelago.

HRM King Edmund K. Paki-Silva Jr., issued a Decree on January 1, 2018, establishing as a Nation an accreditation commission in order to instill the highest standards of education for the Nation. KOHRAC, The Kingdom of Hawai`i Royal Accreditation Commission, was born and is chartered not only to monitor curriculum but to create an array of helpful monitoring tools and testing methods which fits into the Indigenous Way of Knowing and culture.

King Paki-Silva established KOHRAC to provide an avenue for Indigenous Peoples around the world, more than 6% of the global population, with equivalent-quality higher education programs. KOHRAC adheres to the highest standards for its rules and regulations of development and acceptance.